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Why 7 Analyst Favorite Dividend Kings Could Be Huge Bear Market Winners

Why 7 Analyst Favorite Dividend Kings Could Be Huge Bear Market Winners

September is here and, apparently, so is the return of the bear market. This time, if there is not a stand by the bulls at the 3,900 level on the venerable S&P 500, then we could be on our way to test the June market lows.

What are the best alternatives now for investors, especially those who need passive income to help pay the inflation-ravaged bills that come every month? The best idea is to look for conservative stocks that pay dependable dividends. With inflation stripping bond yields to negative or barely break-even, dividend-paying stocks are still the way to go as they offer total return potential.

For those seeking even greater dividend dependability, investors may be drawn to the Dividend Kings. These 44 companies have raised the dividends they pay to shareholders a stunning 50 consecutive years or longer. We screened the group looking for safe companies that are Buy rated by top Wall Street analysts, and we found seven top stocks for worried investors to consider now.

This post originally appeared at 24/7 Wall St.