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Why 7 Of The Highest-Yielding ‘Strong Buy’ Health Care Stocks Are The Absolute Best 2023 Buys

While many are suggesting short Treasury paper and money markets, for long-term investors looking for growth and income, health care is the place to be in 2023. Demand is growing as the country ages, pricing remains strong and, plain and simple, it is one sector that never goes out of style as it generally is not hit by cyclical swings.

We screened our 24/7 Wall St. health care research database looking for the highest-paying dividend leaders that were rated Buy across Wall Street. The following seven companies are all very solid players in the industry, two of which are top European companies, and all make good sense for growth and income investors looking for stocks with solid total return potential.

Let’s dive in!

This post appeared at 24/7 Wall St.